Thursday, March 29, 2012

all grown up

my little sister turned 18 this month. makes me feel a little bit old. then i remember my parents must be feeling even older. . . caught this amazing action shot of her blowing out her candles:

she'll probably get mad at me for posting it but she can't un-tag it here!


The Taylor LIfe said...

I know , seriously how did she get that old already! And I am turning the 3-0 this year, whoa! When we got married she looked so young!

Dr Steve said...

wow the really crazy thing is we have been friends for 18 years then cause I remember her as a baby!

Trina Bagley said...

If you guys feel old just wait! I am older than all of you (siblings). Kerri it is good to see you are still alive and posting on your blog at least once in awhile Ü. How are you anyway?