Tuesday, May 22, 2012

a not so welcome visitor

nothing like a spider running across your bed to make you want to climb right into that same bed for a good nights sleep . . .gross.

a little tangled

farm country - wide open spaces, clear skies, big trucks, boys with country accents. . . i'm getting distracted.  anyway, last night at fhe we lit these paper lanterns and they were so cool! reminded me sadly of the bachelorette before it reminded me of tangled:
if you look real close you can see the one burning on the power line, yep i said burning.  good thing we had some strapping young men who jumped into action with the garden hose.  the view to the back:

i could so get used to seeing that every night.

Friday, May 18, 2012

my first attempt

and they didn't turn out too bad:

pink lemonade, chocolate peanut butter, and churro. and the floral foam worked awesome to let them set.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

officially calling it summer

why? because i pulled out my italian sandals and wore mint capris today that's why:

and hopefully i won't have to take this post back in two weeks when it decides to snow one last time. . .

Friday, May 4, 2012

absolutely love this

so i stumbled across this picture while searching for temple photos for a project i'm dong and it made my heart so happy. 


isn't that the sweetest thing ever?? looks like he just conquered the world.