Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am my Grandma's granddaughter. . . so my mother says!

My roommates think I'm crazy, probably everyone else too but I have a lot of fun decorating for holidays (which is the reason for the title of this blog). I don't really go all out but just little things. My good friend, Holli, makes 'flowers' for Valentine's Day that I have done every year since she showed me. The flowers are made with one cinnamon, sugar coated heart on the bottom, a Mother's Butter Cookie in the middle, and a cherry gummy heart on top. So here it is:

We'll see how long it lasts on the table!

*If you decide you want to make these let me know. Mother's Cookies have gone out of business but I have 2 more boxes if anyone wants some! There's just nothing else I've found that works as well.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tis the season. . . to get engaged?

I'm not sure if I was just completely out of the loop last year and didn't notice or what is going on this year but every time I turn around I hear about a new engagement. I guess when the Holidays come around you either break up with your significant other so you don't have to worry about a gift or decide it's time to take the next step. So to those of you who made it through the holidays-congrats! The only month without a wedding until June is April so let me know if I'm missing someone :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Update of a Lifetime!

Some may have noticed the status "updated 7 months ago" relating to my blog-who has time to update it more than once every 7 months anyway??? So, you're in for a surprise because I am now sitting down to update you on some of the major events from the last 7 months-or at least the ones I can remember and may have pictures of :)