Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tis the season. . . to get engaged?

I'm not sure if I was just completely out of the loop last year and didn't notice or what is going on this year but every time I turn around I hear about a new engagement. I guess when the Holidays come around you either break up with your significant other so you don't have to worry about a gift or decide it's time to take the next step. So to those of you who made it through the holidays-congrats! The only month without a wedding until June is April so let me know if I'm missing someone :)

1 comment:

L. Webb said...

Yay! You found your password, because pretty much I didn't have it and couldn't remember. I'm so glad you've started your blog up again. I hope you keep it up... and for engagements... its true. Seriously, lets start that club.