Thursday, January 26, 2012

not going down without a fight

tragedy struck two weeks ago.  i'd spent the evening with a friend in bountiful and enjoyed a nice oreo milkshake and order of fries.  that night i thought i was going to die.  natalie had no such symptoms. 
the next thursday i was enjoying some chips and salsa from chili's and made myself a tall glass of chocolate milk.  i love chocolate milk.  not even an hour later my stomach was screaming at me.  couldn't think of anything i was eating that i hadn't eaten numerous times before with no problems.  natali suggested milk.  i wanted to cry.  but it was somewhere to start.
so i gave it a few days.  then started with half cup with my breakfast.  by noon it was confirmed.  all i kept thinking of was soy milk, soy ice cream, tofu-yes i realize this is not a milk replacement but still.  blah.  not going to happen.  i love milk too much.  nothing like a cold glass of milk with waffles for breakfast. 

so this lactaid pill everyone's telling me about better be a miracle pill.  or i'll really cry.

1 comment:

The Taylor LIfe said...

I would cry to if I couldn't drink milk! I am with you, there is nothing like a nice cold glass of milk! I hope the lactaid pill works for you. Did the ice cream last night cause you any problems?