Monday, August 15, 2011

Embarrassed by Cheetos

Sometimes I'm embarrassed I like certain foods, like today it's Cheetos.  I needed something to spice up my pb&j and that bag was calling my name.  The fact that I would have to go into the cafeteria at work and buy them out of the vending machine nearly stopped me from getting them.  Nearly.  So today it was Cheetos, some days it's corn dogs, Kraft mac & cheese w/ hot dogs, bologna. . . this is turning into a confession of my love for questionable meats. . . all things Hostess, and plenty of other foods that I look around to see who's watching me as I buy/order/eat.  Probably not a bad thing since it keeps me from eating them very often.

1 comment:

Trina Bagley said...

So happy to see you remembered you had a blog! Don't worry, you are not alone on the food thing. I totally understand not wanting to buy them very often though!