Monday, October 22, 2012

a north logan tradition

i couldn't even tell you the first time i went to the north logan pumpkin walk. forever ago probably. it's a north logan tradition and nothing else seems to measure up.  

i haven't been during the day since grade school i'm sure but i may be converted.  

cute julie's face:

there's a trail off the road around the block from my parent's house that made the walk there so perfect.  between a horse pasture and a hay field. the fall colors are still amazing.

can't leave out this little gem. came across a few bikes left at the park. yes that would be a soccer ball for the seat.

happy beginning of halloween season!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I took my kids to Elkridge when we were visiting a few months ago. It made me so happy to see that new path! I just wish it would have been there back in my day! Seriously, I remember several times when we went to the park from Watkins house and it took forever because we had to walk all the way around the block.