Friday, March 27, 2009

Decorating with a little shine to it

I may have started a really bad thing! Being single and the youngest one in my office I conveniently become the brunt of a lot of teasing. After one particularly intense day, I warned, "you better watch out." That night, Candace and I struck with two rolls of aluminum foil in hand. We covered everything in one guy's office that we could: pictures on the bookcase, calendar on the wall, clock, every binder on the filing cabinet, every drawer front, keyboard, mouse, speakers, 3-hole punch, monitor, lap top, light switch cover, a ceiling panel, and every paperclip in the box. We didn't want to mess anything up with papers on the desk or we would have covered the desk too but lucky for him he's too messy ;) The pictures don't really do it justice.

Too bad we ran out of aluminum foil and it was getting late or we could have gone to town. His reaction the next morning was price less! We may have also hid an alarm clock on the bottom of a desk drawer to go off at 10:15 in the morning. For some reason he automatically assumed it was me that did it!

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