Sunday, February 10, 2013

a little snow

what better way of celebrating being in boston for one month than a blizzard?

i tend to get weather warnings from my mom which is how i heard about this one. not until thursday afternoon when we kept hearing about schools closing friday, public transit shutting down at 3:30, no cars allowed on the roads after 4, that we got a little nervous about what was actually coming.

we holed up friday, prepping for the worst. can i just say i'm a little sad so many people don't have food to last them 3-4 days that all the grocery stores would be left empty.  literally empty.  who needs whipping cream during a blizzard?  the wind blew all day friday but no significant snow. that night was like christmas eve, wondering what we'd wake up to the next morning.  well here was my first view:

couldn't get the door open it was blown up probably 3 feet.  so seven of us in the house got busy shoveling.  three hours later we finished.  we even had a couple virgin shovelers on staff. they held their own ok. 

probably got 3-4 feet total but hard to tell with all the drifts. church was cancelled sunday with a street parking ban in cambridge and so many people still shoveling out. not too upset since i was scheduled to speak. instead i went with my landlord to their sacrament meeting that's right by the temple. saw this on the way out:

amazingly with the city shut down for three days (roads and airport shut down until late saturday night, public transity not fully running until monday morning) they got the roads pretty clear. the same couldn't be said for the sidewalks where i get to wait for the bus. . .